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Senator George J. Mitchell Transnational Crime Syndicate Forensics Files – GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT = CARROLL CHAIR OF IRISH HISTORY HERTFORD COLLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY = DLA PIPER LAW FIRM – FBI MI6 MI5 Biggest Corporate Liquidation Bank Fraud Case in the World



The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust affair has disclosed that the world renowned Carroll Chair of Irish History attached to Hertford College Oxford University has also been “named” as a major victim in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the Carroll Foundation board of trustees founded the Carroll Chair of Irish History “in concert” with HM Government and U.S. Government as a “pivotal centerpiece” for the ground breaking “Good Friday Agreement” which took place on April 10th 1997.

Further sources have disclosed that Gerald Carroll played an important role in the critical intergovernmental “back channel talks” which finally brought about a cessation of armed violence for the first time in Northern Ireland in a generation.

Irish Embassy leaked sources have disclosed that the FBI Scotland Yard case files contain compelling forensic evidential material surrounding the complete ransacking and theft of the priceless Carroll Institute Trust national treasures collections “centred around” the Celtic Irish Torques Collection Library of Congress Washington DC Archives Charles Carroll of Carrollton Family Archives State of Maryland Archives Carroll House Annapolis Maryland Trust Archives along with the 1st Earl Marshal of England William Marshal 1st Earl of Pembroke 13th century parchment manuscripts to name only a few items of national importance in this major public interest case.

In a stunning twist it has been revealed that Senator George J. Mitchell has been “named” in this sordid criminal case surrounding a long wide and deep involvement with the DLA Piper law firm where he is now a consultant. It is well known that Senator George J. Mitchell was a Special Advisor to President William J. Clinton on Ireland and from 1996 to 2000 he served as the Independent Chairman of the Northern Ireland Peace Talks. Under his leadership the “Good Friday Agreement” an historic accord ending decades of conflict was agreed to by the governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom and the political parties of Northern Ireland. For his service in Northern Ireland Senator George J. Mitchell received numerous awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom the highest civilian honor given by the U.S. Government the Philadelphia Liberty Medal the Truman Institute Peace Prize and the United Nations (UNESCO) Peace Prize.

Well seasoned political observers in London and Washington DC are known to have remarked Senator George J. Mitchell was one of the primary “movers and shakers” concerning the merged incorporation of the DLA Piper law firm during the period 1996 to 2000 and as it transpires are one of the “central actors” in the systematic criminal liquidation of the Carroll Foundation Trust underlying major operating divisions with a value today estimated at more than a bewildering three billion dollars spanning three continents.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard under the supervision of the Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case of international importance.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud bribery case which is encircling the DLA Piper law firm consultant Senator George J. Mitchell and the HSBC Holdings Plc Chairman Mark Tucker has revealed that the former Lord Mayor of the City of London Vincent Keaveny who is also a partner at the DLA Piper law firm along with the DLA Piper law firm Co-Global law firm chief executive Simon Levine are understood to be confronting major criminal allegations “centred around” breaches of trust serious organised crime racketeering seizures theft obstruction of justice and bribery offences in this major public interest case.

Sources have confirmed that the HSBC Bank Group “in concert” with the DLA Piper and Clifford Chance law firms along with the PwC Ernst & Young and Haslers accounting firms are “core cell high value suspects” concerning the systematic break-up and criminal liquidation of major operating divisions of the Carroll Global Corporation Trust industrial empire spanning three continents.

Further sources have disclosed that the case files contain a compelling forensic evidential paper trail surrounding the HSBC Bank Group “sponsored” PwC Ernst & Young DLA Piper and Clifford Chance multiple criminal administration offences “targeted” at the Carroll Foundation Trust underlying eighty five corporations stretching the globe.

City of London Police leaked sources have revealed that the criminal “standard of proof” prosecution case files contain forensic specimen exhibits of the two parallel Urban Finance Corporation structures which have been named as the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust Urban Finance Corporation (Bahamas) Trust and the HSBC Investment Banking Urban Finance Corporation (Gibraltar) Trust which effectively underpinned the HM Treasury “sponsored” embezzlement break-up and multiple fraudulent liquidation offences “targeted” at the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide business empire.

It has also emerged that HSBC Bank Group under the stewardship of Sir John Bond and Sir Douglas Flint “in concert” with Clifford Chance and the PwC Ernst & Young and Haslers accounting firms fraudulently incorporated a Companies House “registered” Urban Finance Corporation Ltd group structure in what is known to have been a bungled attempt to provide a diversionary corporate smokescreen for the embezzlement of more than a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald Carroll’s huge treasury investment holdings which were held at the Lloyds Banking Group the King’s bankers Coutts & Co and Barclays.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have said that the HSBC Bank Group are confronting major criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering offshore tax fraud obstruction of justice and bribery offences “centred around” what can only be termed as the “corporate hijacking” of two of the Carroll family lawyers respectively Withersworldwide and Clifford Chance whilst “in parallel” defrauding the HSBC Bank Group shareholders and the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests of more than two hundred and fifty million dollars of treasury investment holdings.

This source also disclosed that Sir John Bond and Sir Douglas Flint relocated the HSBC Nassau Bahamas offices to the Sir Victor Sassoon building known as Sassoon House Shirley Street Nassau which essentially was the “corporate birth place” of the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust and the Urban Finance Corporation (Bahamas) Trust investment banking operations which were supported by JPMorgan Chase & Co and the Lloyds Banking Group.

In a stunning twist it has been revealed that the City of London Police Authority Chairman James Thomson is understood to be also confronting multiple criminal allegations “centred around” his prior position as an executive with the HSBC Bank Group and PwC prompting well seasoned financial observers to remark that James Thomson joins a glittering array of other public figures effectively following The Crown Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts embezzled funds for their own personal gain in this case which continues to expose yet more Westminster sleaze and corruption at the highest level within the Conservative Party.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this major public interest case.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation offshore tax fraud bribery case which is encircling the DLA Piper law firm consultant Senator George J. Mitchell has disclosed that the former DLA Piper law firm managing partner Lord Timothy Clement-Jones along with the DLA Piper law firm partner Tom Heylen and the DLA Piper law firm consultant Roger Lane-Smith who is also a trustee of the Carroll Foundation Trust are confronting major criminal allegations in the explosive FBI Scotland Yard cross-border criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the criminal “standard of proof” prosecution case files contain forensic specimen exhibits of the DLA Piper fraudulent incorporation of a shadow “criminal parallel trust” known aptly as the John Carroll Settlement (1995) Trust which effectively provided a yet further diversionary corporate smokescreen for the embezzlement of more than a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald Carroll’s huge treasury investment holdings held at the King’s bankers Coutts & Co Lloyds Private Banking and Barclays City of London branches.

Further sources have disclosed that the case files contain a compelling evidential paper trail which surrounds the systematic break-ins burglaries theft and multiple seizures offences “targeted” at Gerald Carroll’s multi-million dollar Eaton Square Belgravia penthouse and Westminster residences in central London spanning a bizarre parallel six to eight years following a complete refusal by the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police Service to provide urgent assistance in this major public interest case.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley QPM who are known to have an intimate knowledge of case spanning three continents.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation offshore tax fraud bribery case has revealed that a late former HM Treasury Second Permanent Secretary Peter Davies estate has been “named” in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the former 10 Downing Street Cabinet Office Secretaries Lord Robert Armstrong along with Lord Robin Butler effectively facilitated the secondment of Peter Davies to head up the newly incorporated Carroll Institute academic research establishment which was founded by the Carroll Foundation Trust as the parallel working body in support of the world renowned Carroll Chair of Irish History attached to Hertford College Oxford University.

Further sources have disclosed that the Carroll Foundation Trust board of trustees founded the Carroll Chair of Irish History “in concert” with U.S. Government and HM Government as a “pivotal centrepiece” for the ground breaking “Good Friday Agreement” which took place some years later.

This source also revealed that Gerald Carroll played an important role in the critical intergovernmental “back channel talks” which finally brought about a cessation of armed violence for the first time in Northern Ireland in a generation.

In a stunning twist in the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts debacle it has also been disclosed that the HM Treasury secondment of Peter Davies to the Carroll Foundation Trust was on reflection a corporate diversionary smokescreen for the underlying serious organised crime offences which were being “targeted” at the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests spanning three continents.

Well seasoned Westminster political observers are known to have recently remarked that the former HM Treasury Permanent Secretaries respectively Sir Peter Middleton Lord Terence Burns and Lord Nicholas Macpherson are “central actors” in what is now universally regarded as the largest ever offshore tax evasion bank fraud heist case in living memory.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Headquarters Washington DC and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.


The Carroll Foundation Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud case has disclosed in a stunning further twist that the UK Civil Service Chief Executive Alex Chisholm the Insolvency Service along with the Work and Pensions Department and the Health and Safety Executive Chief Executive Sarah Albon are known to have executed multiple criminal offences surrounding the shocking systematic fraudulent seizure theft and liquidation of substantial Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts “life tenant” worldwide interests “centred around” annuities corporate bonds pension agreements and treasury investment holdings running into tens of millions of dollars.

Sources have confirmed that a bewildering array of life insurance and pension companies are also confronting criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering and bribery offences “centred around” Abrdn Royal London Group Phoenix Group Aviva Legal & General and the Prudential all of whom are known to have entered contractual agreements with the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests stretching back more than a staggering thirty five years.

Well seasoned financial observers have remarked that the involvement of so many City of London institutions in the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts debacle has highlighted the syndicated merry go round of city grandees in what is yet another bungled attempt to shield themselves from criminal prosecution in this major public interest case spanning three continents.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lock-down at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley QPM who are known to have an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.

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