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National Audit Office Forged Signatures Bank Fraud Forensics Files – NAO CHAIR DAME FIONA REYNOLDS – GROSVENOR ESTATES CRIME SYNDICATE – HER MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT – SCOTLAND YARD – Royal Courts of Justice Most Famous Corporate Liquidation Case in the World



The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate liquidation bank fraud case has disclosed that the former National Audit Office Auditor General Sir John Bourn is understood to be confronting multiple criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering obstruction of justice and bribery offences “centred around” National Audit Office Gerald J. H. Carroll forged legal documents in this case of international importance.

Sources have revealed that the former HM Ministry of Defence Permanent Under Secretary of State Sir Ewen Broadbent sudden death is fuelling feverish speculation that his demise was actually cold blooded murder in a bungled attempt to cover-up the criminal liquidation of major operating divisions of the Carroll Global Corporation Trust worldwide interests spanning three continents.

This source also disclosed that Sir Ewen Broadbent was a board trustee of the Carroll Foundation Trust and Chairman of Gerald Carroll’s HM Ministry of Defence – Farnborough Aerospace Development Corporation Plc Strategic Research & Development Corporation Plc and Carroll Aircraft Corporation Plc group structures which were “targeted” by BAE Systems Plc Barclays International Coutts & Co and the HSBC Bank Group within the framework of systematic break-up embezzlement and multiple seizure offences in this major public interest case.

Further sources have confirmed that Gerald Carroll’s HM Ministry of Defence – Farnborough Airport fixed base operations were effectively completely asset stripped underpinned by the embezzlement of more than a staggering two hundred and fifty million dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust huge treasury holdings held at the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co Barclays International and the Lloyds Banking Group.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have revealed that the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts case files currently “held in custody” contain compelling forensic evidential material surrounding the Barclays Liverpool money laundering and embezzlement of tens of million of dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust treasury holdings “centred around” the Carroll Foundation Trust owned Martins Bank Building Liverpool which functioned as the Barclays North West England banking operations.

This source also said that the HM Passport Office Liverpool until quite recently was located in the Carroll Foundation Trust owned India Buildings Water Street Liverpool and the Gerald J. H. Carroll passport was issued from that office witnessed by the Dentons law firm former partner Michael Alexander in what is now known to have been yet another bungled attempt to neutralise any criminal proceedings against the HSBC Bank Group Coutts & Co Barclays International and Lloyds Banking Group crime syndicate.

In a stunning twist it has emerged Lord Peter Lilley and Dame Jane Newell also known as Lady Jane Cuckney have been named in the case files. Sources have confirmed that Lord Peter Lilley was the Member of Parliament for Harpenden Hertfordshire which is where PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers and Andrew Wiggett Accountants executed the fraudulent incorporation of twenty eight “dummy” Carroll Trust Corporations utilising a mendacious “registered office” located at Haslers Accountants Loughton Essex who are currently represented by the House of Commons Deputy Speaker Dame Eleanor Laing MP.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lock-down at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the commissioner who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case spanning three continents.


The Carroll Foundation Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud case has disclosed in a stunning further twist that the UK Civil Service Chief Executive Alex Chisholm is known to have executed multiple criminal offences surrounding the shocking systematic fraudulent seizure theft and liquidation of substantial Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts “life tenant” worldwide interests “centred around” annuities corporate bonds pension agreements and treasury investment holdings running into tens of millions of dollars.

Sources have confirmed that a bewildering array of life insurance and pension companies are also confronting criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering and bribery offences “centred around” Standard Life Aberdeen Royal London Life Phoenix Life Aviva Legal & General and the Prudential all of whom are known to have entered contractual agreements with the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests stretching back more than a staggering thirty five years.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lock-down Scotland Yard who have an intimate knowledge of this case spanning three continents.

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