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Howard Kennedy Managing Partner Craig Emden Serious Organised Crime Fraud Bribery Forensics Files – PENNINGTONS MANCHES COOPER PARTNER RUSTAM DUBASH – LOCKDOWN – RWK GOODMAN LAW FIRM PARTNER STEPHEN WELFARE – Serious Fraud Office Biggest Bribery Case



The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case which is encircling the Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey has revealed that the Lloyds Bank Plc Chief Financial Officer William Chalmers and the Chairman Robin Budenberg along with the Chief Executive Charlie Nunn are understood to be confronting multiple criminal allegations “centred around” serious organised crime conspiracy to defraud racketeering obstruction of justice and bribery offences on an industrial scale in the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the Lloyds Banking Group are one of the “core cell high value suspects” surrounding the systematic break-up and criminal liquidation of major operating divisions of the Carroll Global Corporation Trust industrial empire spanning three continents prompting well seasoned City of London financial observers to remark that William Chalmers previously held a senior role with JPMorgan Chase & Co who are known to be also deeply involved in this sordid criminal case.

Further sources have disclosed that the dossiers contain a compelling evidential paper trail concerning the Lloyds Banking Group deep and wide involvement in the HSBC Bank Group “sponsored” Clifford Chance law firm and Ernst & Young Grant Thornton Deloitte KPMG and PwC criminal administration regime “targeted” at the Carroll Foundation Trust underlying eighty five corporations stretching the globe.

City of London Police leaked sources have revealed that the compelling evidential criminal prosecution files contain forensic specimen exhibits of the Lloyds Bank Group involvement in two parallel Urban Finance Corporation structures which have been named as the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust Urban Finance Corporation (Bahamas) Trust and the HSBC Investment Banking Urban Finance Corporation (Gibraltar) Trust which effectively underpinned the HM Treasury “sponsored” embezzlement break-up and fraudulent liquidation offences “targeted” at the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide business empire.

It has also emerged that the Lloyds Banking Group “in concert” with the HSBC Bank Group and PwC fraudulently incorporated a Companies House “registered” Urban Finance Corporation Ltd group structure in what is known to have been a bungled attempt to provide a diversionary corporate smokescreen for the embezzlement of more than a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald Carroll’s huge treasury investment holdings which were held at the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co Lloyds Private Banking and Barclays International.

In a stunning twist it has been confirmed that the Lloyds Banking Group were bankers to the George 5th Duke of Sutherland family Sir Winston S. Churchill and HRH Prince Edward Duke of Windsor both Godfathers to Gerald Carroll.

Furthermore it has been disclosed that the Sir Victor Sassoon building known as Sassoon House Shirley Street Nassau Bahamas was essentially the “corporate birth place” of the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust and the Urban Finance Corporation (Bahamas) Trust investment banking operations which underpinned the parallel Carroll Foundation Trust multi-billion dollar empire built by Gerald J. H. Carroll during the earlier part of his business life.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the commissioner who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this major public interest case.


The Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud bribery case has revealed that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain a shocking forensic evidential paper trail of fraudulent HRH The Prince of Wales and Gerald Carroll Trust Companies which were specifically incorporated to embroil senior members of the Royal Family in this case of international importance.

Companies House leaked sources have disclosed that the Prince’s Trust and Gerald Carroll fraudulent dummy companies named in the dossiers are “centered around” the PYBT Development Fund (Northern) Ltd and the Prince’s Youth Business Trust (Southern) Ltd. Further sources have said that the Prince Charles and Gerald Carroll organisations focused on the major funding of young entrepreneurs starting small businesses within the much needed industrial manufacturing sector of the United Kingdom economy.

In a stunning twist it has emerged that the Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust entire trophies collection was stolen with a value of more than a mind boggling three million dollars. It is understood that the trophies were a “central feature” surrounding the Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust management of good causes whilst also supporting the HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Edward Duke of Kent patronages including the Red Cross Royal Society of Portrait Painters Royal Air Forces Association Royal Air Force Benevolent the world renowned Carroll Chair of Irish History attached to Hertford College Oxford University and the Carroll House Annapolis Maryland Trust to name but only a few.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have said that the Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust has over fifty charities which are major victims along with Gerald Carroll’s multi-million dollar Eaton Square Belgravia penthouse and Westminster residences in central London which were also “targeted” by the Withersworldwide and RWK Goodman law firms transnational crime syndicate. This source disclosed that the forensics files “held in custody” contain a complete charge sheets inventory surrounding the systematic ransacking and theft of the entire contents of the properties spanning a bizarre parallel six to eight years.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service London under the supervision of the Scotland Yard Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley QPM who has an intimate knowledge of this case spanning three continents.

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