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DLA Piper London Managing Partner Ruth Hoy Serious Organised Crime Forensics Files – KROLL INC – EVELYN PARTNERS = LOCKDOWN = RWK GOODMAN LAW FIRM – WITHERS LAW FIRM – HASLERS ACCOUNTANTS – PWC UK CEO KEVIN ELLIS – City of London Police Biggest Corporate Identity Theft Liquidation Bank Fraud Bribery Case in the World



The Carroll Anglo-American Corporation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud case which is encircling His Majesty King Charles III and His Royal Highness Prince William has disclosed that the DLA Piper law firm managing partner Ruth Hoy is understood to have joined a startling litany of already “named” DLA Piper law firm past and present partners surrounding multiple criminal allegations “centred around” breaches of trust serious organised crime racketeering obstruction of justice and bribery offences on an industrial scale spanning more than a bewildering twenty five years in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution case files have “named” the “core cell high value suspects” which includes the former DLA Piper senior partner Sir Nigel Knowles the former deputy senior partner Roger Lane-Smith who is also a trustee of the Carroll Foundation Trust along with the former insolvency partner Paul J. Fleming and consultant Lord Timothy Clement-Jones who are known to be “core cell central actors” in this case which stretches the globe.

Further sources have disclosed that Roger Lane-Smith and Paul Fleming “in concert” with the Withersworldwide and RWK Goodman law firms along with the Evelyn Partners and Haslers accounting firms fraudulently incorporated a shadow “criminal parallel trust” known aptly as the John Carroll Settlement (1995) Trust which effectively provided a yet further diversionary corporate smokescreen for the ongoing complete asset stripping offences running into more than a staggering two billion dollars and the embezzlement of more than two hundred and fifty million dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust huge treasury investment holdings held at the King’s bankers Coutts & Co Lloyds Private Banking and Barclays.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have also revealed that the case files contain compelling forensic evidential material surrounding the DLA Piper and Kroll Inc and Insolvency Service fraud multiple seizures bribery offences.

This source also said that DLA Piper “in concert” with Kroll Inc Buchler Phillips Zolfo Cooper and AlixPartners insolvency firms concealed a bewildering array of twenty eight fraudulently incorporated PwC and Haslers accounting firms – Companies House “registered” Carroll Trust Corporations along with Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts forged signatures specimen exhibits which effectively impulsed the systematic breakup embezzlement and criminal liquidation offences “targeted” at major operating divisions of the Carroll Global Corporation Trust industrial conglomerate spanning three continents.

Hard on the heels of the disturbing insights into the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts debacle well seasoned political observers in Washington DC have remarked that this case has firmly highlighted the serious level of white collar organised crime penetration within His Majesty’s Government law enforcement inter-agencies charged with the prosecution of criminal bankers accountants and lawyers who continue to pose a real “direct threat” to the economic national security interests of the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard who are known to have an intimate knowledge of this major public interest case.


The Carroll Foundation Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud case has disclosed in a stunning further twist that the UK Civil Service Chief Executive Alex Chisholm the Insolvency Service along with the Work and Pensions Department and the Health and Safety Executive Chief Executive Sarah Albon are known to have executed multiple criminal offences surrounding the shocking systematic fraudulent seizure theft and liquidation of substantial Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts “life tenant” worldwide interests “centred around” annuities corporate bonds pension agreements and treasury investment holdings running into tens of millions of dollars.

Sources have confirmed that a bewildering array of life insurance and pension companies are also confronting criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering and bribery offences “centred around” Abrdn Royal London Group Phoenix Group Aviva Legal & General and the Prudential all of whom are known to have entered contractual agreements with the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests stretching back more than a staggering thirty five years.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lock-down at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard who have an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.

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