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10 Downing Street Deputy Chief of Staff Baroness Simone Finn Criminal Standard of Proof Prosecution Files – PWC GLOBAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PARTNER ALEX FINN – LOCKDOWN – HSBC GROUP CEO NOEL QUIN – CLIFFORD CHANCE LITIGATION PARTNER JEREMY SANDELSON – City of London Police Biggest Bank Fraud Case in the World



The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud bribery case which is encircling the Attorney General Suella Braverman has revealed that the 10 Downing Street Deputy Chief of Staff Baroness Simone Finn along with her husband Alex Finn are confronting multiple criminal allegations “centred around” serious organised crime accounting fraud racketeering obstruction of justice and bribery offences in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that prior to her current position Baroness Simone Finn trained and worked as an accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers and later married Alex Finn currently aptly positioned as the global insurance leader at PwC UK which has prompted well seasoned City of London financial observers to remark that the Finn family duo utilised what has been termed as the PwC Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts dummy corporations bank fraud case as a pivotal platform for supporting the obstruction of justice and bribery offences in this case spanning three continents.

Further sources have revealed that PwC fraudulently incorporated twenty eight Companies House and State of Delaware “registered” Carroll Trust Corporations which are “directly linked” to forged and falsified Barclays International offshore accounts HSBC Private Banking offshore accounts Lloyds Private Banking offshore accounts and Coutts & Co Gerald J. H. Carroll banking arrangements that effectively impulsed this massive City of London bank fraud heist which stretches the globe.

Institute of Chartered Accountants leaked sources have disclosed that PwC were the “primary auditors” to the Carroll Global Corporation Trust industrial empire for many years embracing more than eighty five corporations worldwide. It is understood that PwC were represented respectively by Peter Dickinson a main board director of “realco” Carroll Industries Corporation Plc Christopher Relleen audit partner for Carroll Global Corporation Plc and Derek Jenkins a close adviser to various board members of the Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have said that the case files contain a compelling forensic evidential paper trail surrounding the fraudulent incorporation of a Companies House “registered dummy shell holding structure” known as Carroll Holdings Corporation Ltd which was utilised within a multiple “name-switch” operation for the embezzlement of more than a staggering two hundred and fifty million dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust huge treasury investment holdings held at Coutts & Co Lloyds Banking Group and Barclays International.

In a stunning twist it has been confirmed that Baroness Simone Finn whilst retaining her pivotal position as the 10 Downing Street Deputy Chief of Staff is also employed by the Arbuthnot Latham banking institution which quite recently acquired a part of the Duncan Lawrie offshore banking operations along with Brewin Dolphin. It is known that Duncan Lawrie was effectively liquidated by Camellia Plc which has on the board none other than Christopher Relleen who is a “central actor” in this massive transnational accounting fraud money laundering crime syndicate case.

The Carroll Foundation Maryland Trust files are held within a complete “lockdown” at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard who have an intimate knowledge of this case spanning three continents.


The Carroll Foundation Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud case has disclosed in a stunning further twist that the UK Civil Service Chief Executive Alex Chisholm the Insolvency Service along with the Work and Pensions Department and the Health and Safety Executive Chief Executive Sarah Albon are known to have executed multiple criminal offences surrounding the shocking systematic fraudulent seizure theft and liquidation of substantial Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts “life tenant” worldwide interests “centred around” annuities corporate bonds pension agreements and treasury investment holdings running into tens of millions of dollars.

Sources have confirmed that a bewildering array of life insurance and pension companies are also confronting criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering and bribery offences “centred around” Standard Life Aberdeen Royal London Life Phoenix Life Aviva Legal & General and the Prudential all of whom are known to have entered contractual agreements with the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts worldwide interests stretching back more than a staggering thirty five years.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lock-down at the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard who are known to have an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.

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